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  • Snap Circuits: Snape-2-It Game
    Snap Circuits: Snape-2-It Game
    Elenco Electronics

    Snap Circuits: Snape-2-It Game


    Power up family game night by fusing fun and Learning with SNAP 2 IT®! The SNAP CIRCUITS® board game is where strategy meets science! Set up the bo...

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  • Snap Circuit - Flight Deck
    Elenco Electronics

    Snap Circuit - Flight Deck


    FLIGHT DECK® was designed for kids to discover STEM and provide hours of play. How does a plane fly? How does electricity work? How do you create a...

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  • Snap Circuits - Game Play
    Elenco Electronics

    Snap Circuits - Game Play


    Activate your own arcade! Build custom circuits that power 20 different electronic games. Set allows kids to create dozens of electronic gadgets th...

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  • Mech 5 Teach Tech
    Elenco Electronics

    Mech 5 Teach Tech


    The mechanical coding wheel is the heart of the Mech-5 Mechanical Coding Robot. It steers its coded courses and programmed tasks. Coding is execute...

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